

I am afraid. Children. That is what they are–although they think that they are prepared and ready to face the world–often suffer one of the most traumatic and life altering events early in life and away from the protection that the watchful eyes of parents...
What is PID?

What is PID?

Every sexually active woman should know of PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease).  Most women diagnosed with this infection are under the age of twenty five.  Unfortunately, many women find out that they have had this infection, years later, when they are diagnosed with...
Those Three Letters…HIV

Those Three Letters…HIV

It is such a frightening topic to read about.  Some mistakenly believe that the danger has been subdued.  One could possibly go an entire week without hearing it mentioned on the news.  Even so, in America, it is the 5th leading cause of death for women between the...